Episode 111 - Licking the Angular Boot of Progress
Still too hot! This week, we're taking a trip to the quiet of an intra-dimensional Akhashic-adjacent Library to read up and cool down like there isn't even an apocalypse happening. First up, Nate discovers History of Vampires magazine and unfolds the tale of the terrifying Scottish centerfold, The Hunderprest of Melrose Abbey. Jordan pores over volumes of AI doom prophecies, and Roger finds the mythic Bashonga god Bumba vomiting up creation in the bathroom (hey, it's a public-psychic library.)
Also we decide our friend Amy Miller is our Vampire Slayer!
So sign your library card with an ancient sigil- this is no time for knowable languages! It's time to get prepared with the world's premiere paranormal preparedness podcast: Werewolf Radar!