Elon Musk Puts Implant Into Pig’s Brain
“It goes flush on your skull. I could have a Link right now and you wouldn’t know. Maybe I do.”
One of two pigs with an implant design to read neural activity. If is healthy after its test. Photo: Neuralink Twitter
Elon Musk showed the world his Neuralink brain chip progress, on Friday August 28, 2020.
After a 30-minute delay, Musk stepped out on stage to discuss and show the result of his controversial project.
In a demo called, The Three Little Pig’s Demo, showed a pig names Gertrude with the featured brain implant and a screen highlighting neural activity. When Gertrude snuffed in her pen, viewers saw her brain activity flare up on the screen. It took the breath of many reporters.
“It’s Like a FitBit in your skull,” Musk said. “It goes flush on your skull. I could have a Link right now and you wouldn’t know. Maybe I do.”
The Neuralink system is comprised of a computer chip attached to tiny flexible threads that are attached to the brain by a robot. While the chip does little but register brain activity, that analysis of activity could help with number of neurological conditions affecting humans today.
Elon Musk, man with a dream of an implant in every pig!
Musk started Neuralink in 2016 and has kept a very tight lid on the technology, developments, and most of his plans. At the event, Musk shed some light on what he thinks is possible with this technology.
“The future is going to be wild. In the future you will be able to dave and replay memories. You could basically store your memories as a backup and restore the memories. You could potentially download them into a new body or into a robot body.”
Musk plans on going forward with more of the project after the resounding success that was Friday’s presentation.
This article was writing with sources from DailyMail.co.uk.
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