Toddler’s Ghost Photographed at Graveyard
“I think she was definitely there to comfort him and take him to heaven.”
The young ghost girl visiting her own grave to play with toys.
Las Cruces, NM —
Cemetery security camera’s captured images of toddler’s spirit visiting her own grave.
A New Mexico news affiliate reported on the strange photographs August 14, 2020, revealing evidence of ghosts that most find as definitive. In the photos, a small child can be seen in the middle of the night looking down at the tombstone. The child looks as tangible as the grave itself.
The ghost child seen with a tall entity.
The camera was places near the girl’s grave because the mother suspected someone was stealing the toys she was leaving in honor of her daughter. The first series of pictures shown to the cemetery owners caused concerns of a little girl lost in the cemetery.
Most of the images show the child standing and observing her own grave. In one of the final images of the current collection, the young ghost can be seen with a tall formless shape.
“I think she was there to take him to heaven,” the mother said. “They both have such a tragic story of things that happened to them and, I mean, both of them still haven’t gotten justice. So, I think she was definitely there to comfort him and take him to heaven.”
The young girl died in September 2018 while being watched by her mother’s boyfriend.