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Mysterious Creature Found in Iceland

A mysterious creature was captured on video by a local Icelandic woman. Vigdis Howser Haroardottir was visiting the Dettifoss waterfall in Vatnajökull National Park with her boyfriend when she decided to film the beautiful natural wonder. Haroardottir did not see anything during her recording of the waterfall but upon looking at the footage later she saw something bizarre.

A strange figure can be see right on the edge of the cliff. It moves around, not seeming to look at the camera or even notice the couple as they enjoy they hike.

“No people [were] in front of us and only a cliff so steep it could not carry anyone,” Haroardottir said.

She stated on her instagram video that the location of the sighting happens to be close to the fabled capital city of the Elves, Ásbyrgi. Many who viewed the video have stated their opinion that was Haroardottir captured was a genuine Icelandic elf. Others have proposed that the figure could be a plastic bag which has gotten stuck.

What do you think?