Northern Ireland Experiencing Mass UFO Sightings
Northern Ireland is experiencing an increase of UFO sightings from strange lights to Aliens in the bedroom.
“If the MoD restart investigations and ask the public to report anything unusual, I’m sure they’ll receive lots of reports.”
by Roger Norquist
The occupied territory known as Northern Ireland has been experiencing an uptick of UFO sightings that are a continuation of trends that started in 2019.
Nick Pope, a former UFO analyst for the Ministry of Defence, told the press “If the MoD restart investigations and ask the public to report anything unusual, I’m sure they’ll receive lots of reports.”
Pope believes that lockdowns and more time at home may account for the uptick in cases being reported.
“Covid-19 and lockdowns may have played a role, with people having more time on their hands during the pandemic, and perhaps spotting things that previously may have gone unnoticed.”
Nick Pope has been seen in multiple TV shows and heard on several radio shows and podcasts. In his time, he has remained consistent about his belief that governments of the world need to seriously study the UFO phenomenon.
“Another possibility is that people are following the situation in the United States, where Congress is taking the issue seriously and the Pentagon has launched a new UFO initiative.
“This may make people more likely to report something unusual that they’ve seen because it sends the message that the authorities take the matter seriously.”
A Year of UFOs
The first of a busy year for Northern Ireland took place on January 17. Multiple witnesses spotted a spaceship and flashing lights in the area of Downpatrick.
The police received two reports of UFOs in May. The first was a white light following a helicopter in the area of Maghaberry. The second was a disc seen in the sky in the area of Slemish.
A house in the area of Newtownabbey claimed to have seen “strange images” on their CCTV and a dome-shaped object with eight lights was reported in the area of Saintfield during July.
A report was received in September that aliens were in a person’s bedroom.
In October, a detained patient claimed to be abducted by aliens.
November brought the last UFO sighting of the year with “unusual bright lights in the sky.”
A World Alerted by Things in the Sky
A number of revelations came to light over the past decade about UFOs and the US Government’s interest in them. Thanks to the work of senators, the Pentagon was forced to create an office to collect and analyze UFO evidence. People are doubtful of the information coming from the office as it is still overseen by the same department heads that kept UFO study stalled.
As the US Government allegedly steps up its UFO investigation, Australia has said it will not bother itself with investigating UFO phenomenon. The Royal Australian Air Force Chief Air Marshal, Mel Hupfeld, informed the press that Australia has no intentions to follow the USA in investigating UFOs, or UAPs.
The Chinese military has been tracking UFOs and for the past few years recorded an uptick in sightings. The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) analysts have been “overwhelmed” by the number of sightings reported in recent years. The sources are coming from military and civilian sources causing a backlog in report classification prompting the PLA UFO Task Force to rely on A.I. to help classify cases.
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