UFO Crashes in Dominican Republic

OCT 8, 2020, Dominican Republic —

Video of a bizarre object can be seen in video from the Dominican Republic. The footage shows a metallic object on fire and smoking. Witness in the video claim that the UFO had crashed earlier that day.

The object was found far from the impact site, which is still being ascertained. There are no identifying marks to signify a place of origin (such as flag decals and other images) leading to much of the mystery. Witnesses in the video are afraid to do closer inspections due to the mysterious nature of the object and the possibility of combustible nature.

UFO enthusiasts have theorized that the object is a crashed craft. Others in the field believe it to be a piece of space junk, even part of an airplane. No one has yet to identify the object.

Tell us what you think in the comments.

Roger Norquist

Roger Norquist is a comedian and writer based in Denver, Colorado. He is one of the three clones that host Werewolf Radar.


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