Video: Researcher Claims To Have Found Fossilized Bigfoot Thumb
“It’s definitely a hominid thumb bone.”
Florida, USA —
A Bigfoot researcher is claiming to be in possession of a fossilized thumb of the legendary hominid.
Connor Flynn, a researcher with Bigfoot Anonymous claims to have found a fossilized thumb bone of the bigfoot in a video posted to the group’s youtube page.
The bone is clearly seen in Flynn’s hand and he even compares it to his own thumb bone; showing the size difference between his thumb bone and the fossil.
"It's definitely a hominid thumb bone,” Flynn says in his video.
He goes on to postulate, “if anyone is ever wondering why they never found any remains of Bigfoot, well they did.”
Another researcher in the video then says, “they just swept it under the rug.”
The find was recent and Flynn has not taken the artifact to be tested as of writing.
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