What Are Your Chances of Seeing a Ghost in America?
Werewolf Radar, Bunker —
Finally a map for Pingos!
Werewolf Radar has found an interactive map, designed by online poker community cardschat.com, informing you of your chances to encounter a ghostly entity. The map gives viewers the odds of ghost sightings in the state by using the current population of each state. The lower the number the higher the chances of you coming across a paranormal being.
Cardschat.com has collected 62,482 ghost encounter from 1972 to the present. Texas has the highest number of sightings with a staggering 7,099 cases. Florida has the lowest number of reported cases at 1,697.
People have a bizarre fascination with the afterlife (the author of this piece as well) and this map certainly has a treasure trove of data for paranormal researchers to go over. Cardschat.com ghost page has: charts on ghost over time for every decade; Terrifying ghost tales (one from each year); and the top ten most terrifying ghost tales curated by the website.
Check out the website and tell us what you think!