Bible Expert Warns Omen of End Times Will Appear on Halloween

The Sun has darkened. Somebody in the chatroom has just said it’s 9.30 in the morning in California and the skies are dark and red.
— Pastor Paul Begley
Pastor Paul Begley, Apocalypse Prophet

Pastor Paul Begley, Apocalypse Prophet

A popular TV evangelist has warned the Blue Moon on Halloween is a prophetic sign of the end of the world.

The pastor, Paul Begley, in his most recent broadcast, spoke out to over 300,000 subscribers with a message linking the Blue Moon on Halloween to the US election, Israel and the United Arab Emirates’ peace deal, the California fires, and the apocalypse.

The pastor said, “The Sun has darkened. Somebody in the chatroom has just said it's 9.30 in the morning in California and the skies are dark and red.”

Throughout his broadcast Begley fills his time with apocalyptic phases and rhetoric.

“Ominous, apocalyptic, it looks catastrophic of a Biblical proportion,” he said continuing his thoughts on the West Coast fires.

Moving onto the Middle East, “And while that's going on, guess what? You've got the Middle East accords and President Donald Trump was just nominated this morning for the Novel Peace Prize for his instrumental ability to get the United Arab Emirates to sign a peace accord with Israel.”

While that may seem like a good thing, Begley believe this is a sign from God that the End of Times are nearly upon us. The Blue Moon of Halloween is one of the last pieces of the puzzle the apocalyptic pastor is putting together.

“It's prophetic because God set it up and look when it hits. You won't see this Blue Moon on Halloween again until the year 2039,” Begley Says.

However, the nature of this Blue Moon is far from spectacular. According to the Farmers’ Almanac, Blue Moons happen every Two-to-three years. It goes on to say that the pattern of a Full Moon on Halloween is called a Metonic Cycle. It was first discovered in 432 BC by the Greek, Meton of Athens.

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Roger Norquist

Roger Norquist is a comedian and writer based in Denver, Colorado. He is one of the three clones that host Werewolf Radar.


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