Pennsylvania Town Mayor Recounts “Life-Changing” Bigfoot Encounter
Chiropractor and Mayor of Riegelsville Greg Stokes. Photo: JD Mullane/Courier Times
“It Penetrated, went right through me.”
Mayor Stokes of Riegelsville
The Mayor of Riegelsville, a town in the state of Pennsylvania, recounted an experience with a possible Bigfoot encounter from his past at a Pennsylvania Bigfoot Project (PBP) gathering in November.
“I’m 99 percent sure it was Bigfoot,” Mayor Greg Stokes said. “And I leave the one percent of doubt only because I didn’t actually see it.”
For 37 years, the experience continued to haunt Stokes. He has searched, researched, and spoken with people with similar experiences. Bigfoot has been sighted by dozens of people in the state according to the PBP.
The Scream.
On the July 4 weekend of 1984, Stokes and his girlfriend went camping in a barely visited valley along the Delaware River (50miles north of Riegelsville).
“I was not drinking or doing drugs, I was in the military at the time,” Stokes said.
Stokes made a campfire, cooked dinner, and then went to bed for the evening.
“About quarter to 10, when it was good and dark, something walked up on our campsite,” he said. “It was definitely something on two feet, and I could hear it snapping sticks as it walked.”
According to Stokes, it was unlikely to be a person camping nearby. The area of the camp was in the location of the Tocks Island Dam. The dam was a flood control project abandoned in the 1950s. The area had been cleared of people and buildings about the project closed.
“There is nothing in the valley, nothing human.”
The eventual mayor stayed still in his tent prepared to defend himself with a hatchet and knife. The noises stopped and he thought the creature was gone. Then came the scream.
“It penetrated, went right through me,” Stokes told the PBP
“This animal let out a scream that was just the most terrifying thing you can imagine. This creature, this thing, was so close to our tent that I could hear its lips pop open when it started to scream.
“It had a terribly deep guttural tone, but also this high-pitched tone, and the scream went on for 20 or 25 seconds. I didn’t think then, and I don’t think now, that a human being is capable of making that sound.
“This scream was definitely territorial, and it was definitely directed at us. And the thing that really stands out in my mind is, even 37 years later, was the resonance this thing produced. It shook my body so hard, I couldn’t see the inside of the tent. It was like looking through shimmering water. The sound went all the way through me. If you stand in front of a big bass amplifier at a concert, that’s what it was like.”
“That scream was life-changing,” Stokes said.
Chiropractor and Mayor of Riegelsville Greg Stokes. Photo: JD Mullane/Courier Times
Stokes believes the vibration was caused by infrasound properties of the creature’s scream. The combination of high and low pitches shook stokes physically and mentally.
“I’ve been caught off-guard in the woods,” Stokes said. “I’ve had pheasants blow out between my feet. I had a grouse blow out from bushes right beside my head. Deer jump and run. Those are startling encounters. This one was terrifying.”
During the early morning, Stokes searched the area for nearly an hour unable to find any tracks due to the drought that year drying up the ground.
The Pentagon?
Mayor Stokes was invited to the Pentagon to witness the pinning ceremony of his recently promoted cousin.
“The ceremony was in the innermost ring of the Pentagon,” he said. “The security in that place is quite remarkable. No phones, no cameras. Afterward, my cousin gave us a tour. We saw Saddam Hussein’s gold-plated AK-47. We saw where the (9/11) plane hit.”
“We were walking down a long corridor of offices,” he said, “and out of nowhere one of them had a sign over the door — ‘Office of Bigfoot Research and Sightings.’”
This story was first reported by the Courier Times.
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